When the News gets cocky!!

Ah, where would we be without the FCC telling us what we should and should not be seeing on television. I know one news station that wishes they could crawl into a hole after the FCC fined them $325,000 for showing a dick on primetime news…by accident.


WDBJ (yes, go ahead and giggle, I did) in Roanoke, Va. did a story in 2012 about a local porn star that was also volunteering with a rescue squad. Apparently, they thought people in adult film only did drugs and corrupted the youth, so they had to do a story about an altruistic porn star. 

As part of the piece, they included a video of the porn star, but she did not show any naughty bits. Sure, it was sexy, but no naughty bits…unless you looked a little bit closer. Off to the side, were other clips playing that the no one seemed to notice. One of this clips happened to show a big cock getting jerked off. You know, standard Wednesday afternoon viewing.

Did the FCC say that the television station was protected under the First Amendment and let bygones be bygones? Of course not, they fined the fuck out of them. Much like the Super Bowl Nipplegate fiasco, the FCC went way overboard and fined this station $325,000 for a few seconds of dick on television.

If the FCC fined a station every time there was a dick on TV, then they’d make a fortune during the political season. FCC’s “indecency” fines are borderline unconstitutional, but that doesn’t stop them from being the primetime watchdog, slapping people on the wrist when accidents happen.

Do I believe that the 5 p.m. Dick and Balls shows needs to be on every channel? No, but when a station makes a mistake, they should get a little leeway.